Artist Statement

Season’s Greetings

I’ve always wanted to create fun stories—stories that make people laugh, and stories with heart. Season’s Greetings is about my story. In a collection of moments, I’ve captured the childlike wonder that lives on in my fondest memories. As I’ve grown throughout the seasons, each person, and experience has shaped me into who I am. Because they are so personal, my memories are displayed on handcrafted greeting cards, with nature motifs that reflect my life in the country. Inside each card is a written story from that time, and a peek into the mind of my younger self.

Though it started with humble beginnings, card making has become a tradition of mine, and somewhat of a national sport. For every occasion, my boyfriend and I exchange our handmade cards, each one better than the last. I’ve since become very familiar with patterned paper and cardstock, pencil crayons, and even sparkly gel pens that would make younger-me jealous. Many evenings are spent fussing over cardstock cut-outs and peeling double-sided tape. It’s not always easy, but in gifting each new card, a new memory is created from that year. The personal aspect makes it that much more special, and the crafty nature of it sparks my inner child. My late mother instilled that crafty goodness in me; it was something she loved to do, so I figure, I may as well pass on the torch.