Artist Statement

Roommates for the brain

When I decided to make this series, I wanted to make an overarching look into my brain and what its like to live in my life. The best way I could talk about this is using my love for tarot as a message to show the world in a visual way. The story I tell is one about my mental health, and what its like to live with OSDD (Other specified dissociative disorder), or as many people know it as: split personality. In the world there are many horrible examples of what we are. We are made to seem like psychos, dangerous to the world, movies about serial killers, unhinged people without remorse, and even being given superpowers based on personality switches. Bottom line is the media shows us off as something scary for profit, a modern day freakshow attraction. But I would like to change that, for me and people like me, one drawing at a time we want to educate those around us, showing them a more honest, genuine side.

Those with OSDD(Other specified dissociative disorder) , or even further down the line, DID(dissociative identity disorder), are not born this way, we are made in the environment we grow up in. It is a response to trauma to keep us safe in a world that has forgotten about us. As if breaking a plate, you may glue it back together, but the splits will never fully mend, each split becomes its own individual, with different tastes, interests, and opinions. We navigate the world together to do our very best at life, another chance living beyond trauma. Combining such a beloved hobby such as tarot with my life, it is the first step in getting my voice out there into the world. I hope to educate people, or even just one person, that we are not the monsters Hollywood make us out to be.