Artist Statement

Perspectives through storytelling

Many artists in the past have effectively depicted the colonization of the Americas through different viewpoints; both from the perspective of the colonizers and the colonized. These depictions are mainly focused on the human aspect of colonization. In my series, I explore a different perspective of the settlement in Canada, rather by focusing on the human to nature relationship. In these works, I depict human life contrasting or conflicting with the local nature by representing species that are both natives and non-natives in the country.

Nature and animals are the main focus in all four pieces. With each piece, I explore different aspects of the presented issue. The non-natives species depicted in my series are the spongy moth, introduced by Europeans in Eastern Canada to stablish a silk industry; the European green shell crab, which impacts marine plants; and the domestic cat, when in care of irresponsible owners, become a significant predator of other small animals, especially birds. I also want to show a native species in my work which are the Canadian Goose and the Meadowark.

In my series, I take on an important world issue through storytelling to make viewers feel and understand the place and beings depicted in my works. Portraying a comprehensive story through visual media is intrinsic to my work in the field of Visual Development. I use both my experience of living in this country and research to illustrate different ideas and aspects of the life. Inspired by famous American illustrators from the last century, I focus on communicating my ideas through storytelling to create empathy and understanding in viewers. I use new technologies and digital media to emulate the feeling and expressiveness of the traditional media.