Artist Statement

Who We Become

Who We Become is a series that analyzes how we connect with those around us and the impact they can have on us. I wanted to focus on four influential experiences and people I’ve known that have moulded me into who I am today. From someone who gave me a spark of inspiration, to estrangement and the feeling of never quite belonging. How a new beginning can bring fresh hope, and the significance of comfort and support from those we love, even when they’re far away. My work focuses on how people weave in and out of our lives, yet always seem to leave us altered in the end; and the influence this has on who we become and where we end up.

When it came to materials, it was important for me to use something that reflects the uncontrollable nature of relationships, and in the end, I settled on watercolours. I felt they were the perfect medium to express the importance of letting go, as things will never go exactly how we plan. But to see the value in learning to accept, embrace and appreciate the time we do get, rather than trying to fight change.