Artist Statement

Becoming Annie

Through my art, I explore the intricate emotions and experiences that arise when we choose to leave the familiar and embrace the unknown. My personal journey of leaving my hometown of La Paz, Bolivia has allowed me to delve deeper into the meaning of moving to a new place. When you move, you may leave behind not only your loved ones and belongings, but also a part of yourself. The change in environment can affect your behavior, revealing a different side of your personality.

Through this transformative experience, I discovered a new version of myself that I had never known before. Now, I am a combination of my past and present. In my art pieces, I strive to capture the essence of this experience, portraying the emotions and thoughts that arise when leaving behind the familiar and embracing the unknown.

This heartbreak was not a negative thing, but rather a sign of my flourishing and growth, like a new seed. While there are things that I cannot change and will continue with me, there are also things that I must leave behind, no matter how hard I try, to move forward.

In these pieces I primarily use paper as my medium. It is both fragile and powerful, just like the heart, which I believe to be the most important tool to express ourselves.