Artist Statement


This work is inspired by dissociation and depersonalization. I was compelled to create these works due to the reason of being inspired by my love for psychology. In high school I attended a class that was a combination of psychology, anthropology, and sociology. During this class the teacher had spoken about how reality is a construct and it all depends on how that person views the world. She also had stated that there is no one reality since everyone sees things differently. During the Art Fundamentals course, I had also taken a psychology class which also taught about the way people view reality and dissociation. I used this as inspiration for my work for the reason that I always enjoyed exploring concepts of reality within my work. These concepts comment on psychology and how some people view the world in the perspective that they feel like they are not present in not only their own body but also feel like an observer rather than being there. The topic that this describes is dissociation and aspects of reality in the sense of someone’s self and how they view themselves in the world.