Artist Statement

Identity of a Sister
By Megan Nogueira

One of the biggest and most important influences in my life has been my experience growing up as a big sister. This series, inspired by my relationship with my little brother, illustrates what being a sister means to me. I have created four pieces, each describing a different role that I associate with being a big sister: Best friend, role model, confidant and protector. While creating these illustrations, it was important to me to depict sibling dynamics outside of my own in the hopes to generate a larger connection with my audience. These pieces were created digitally over the span of a few weeks. I incorporated textures that I felt were reminiscent of childhood – crayon, pencil crayon, paint- to create a more playful, handmade look. I hope that this series will give viewers an opportunity to look back into their own childhood memories and consider the experiences and relationships that may have shaped who they are today.