Artist Statement

Namulalak Ang Bulaklak (The Flower Bloomed)

A bud prepared to bloom,
This bud had many bud buddies,
When they heard the news, they followed her lead.
The buds were part of a bush under a stained-glass window of St. George,
People began to take notice of the bud and her buddies,
Some found it necessary to spit on them.
The bud was hurt and worked with a leaf as a shield,
She told her buddies to follow along and have faith.
The leaves worked to defend them, and people learned to respect the buds,
Other people continued to keep their ill intentions and resentment.
Eventually, someone came back enraged,
The bud watched in horror as a hand snapped her buddies off the branch,
A thorn cut the person’s hand before any more buds could be sacrificed,
The bud looked around taking in the loss of their friends,
They counted the ones who remained and wept.
Rain trickled down the leaves in a hypnotizing motion,
The bud felt sorrow, despair, and rage,
At that moment, they began to bloom,
The remaining buddies followed,
As each petal unfurled the sun sent rays of courage,
Rain and warmth ran down the roses’ face,
Each petal was stained a warm white and rosy red.